susan watson
professor of Commercial Law
The statutory disclosure requirements,
primarily found in the Securities Act
and the Securities Markets Act, require
companies to provide their shareholders
investors with commercially sensitive
information. Compliance is mandated
but, as a healthy share price is dependent
on investor confidence, so is providing
investors with quality information about
the strategy and direction in which the
leaders of the company, the Board, are
taking the organisation.”
Nick ScotT
Partner, Corporate & Commercial Law
Effective dialogue reduces risk and keeps
all the stakeholders in businesses better
informed and better aligned. Do you
have policies for keeping shareholders
informed of company issues and do
you communicate in plain English? It is
essential that you are clear about what
you must disclose and when you should
disclose it. This is governed by various
legislation including the Companies Act,
the Financial Reporting Act, the Securities
Markets Act and the NZX / NZAX Listing
Rules. Disclosure does not need to be
set at the minimum statutory level; you
may wish to consider whether disclosure
should be set at a higher level.”
key findings //
effective dialogue with stakeholders cont. . .
t h e n ew no rma l
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